Laurence James-Woodley

Nasdaq-100 Dashboard

Sep 06, 2024

This dashboard provides an overview of the Year-To-Date (YTD) and historical performance of the Nasdaq Futures Index and the Nasdaq-100 stocks. It was created as part of an end-to-end data pipeline project, leveraging Python, Dagster, dbt, and Quarto.

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From Bash Commands to Terraform Plans: A Reproducible Approach To The Cloud Resume Challenge

Dec 07, 2023

In the pursuit to expand my skills and knowledge in Azure, I embarked on the Azure Cloud Resume Challenge. I first discovered this challenge through Gwyn’s video and I knew right away it’d be a fun project with tremendous learning opportunities. Despite having zero experience with Terraform and having only basic knowledge of GitHub Actions and Azure I was optimistic about using my programming and process automation skills to take an infrastructure as code approach to this challenge.

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Building an Options Scanner with Python and Azure Databricks

Sep 09, 2023

This project was created to discover high volume options contracts within the first thirty minutes of market open. It scrapes data from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) to find potential profitable options based on some basic filters. This is a rudimentary scanner that only identifies weekly options.

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Azure Databricks Setup and Configuration

Aug 27, 2023

This post documents the steps taken for the setup and configuration of my Azure Databricks workspace. The objective was to create a cost-efficient and versatile workspace in Databricks, aimed at providing a sandbox environment for data engineering experiments.

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Data Wrangling EP 2: Calculating Monthly Recurring Revenue

Sep 21, 2021

I discovered this fantastic post written by Claire Carroll and I was instantly inspired. I really enjoyed studying her process and figured that it’d be a fun exercise to implement this data transformation in R. I’m not going to convert the SQL code from Claire’s post to R code verbatim. Instead, I’ll implement my own process for the data transformation. Overall, the input and output data will be the same as in Claire’s post.

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Query Challenge #2

Aug 22, 2021

The option_transactions table shows options trades executed on the thinkorswim trading platform. Query the table to calculate the profit/loss made on each trade.

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Query Challenge #1

Aug 21, 2021

The orders table shows the number of products ordered each day. Query the data to return the most frequent item(s) ordered each day. Return multiple items if there are ties.

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Exploring Florida’s Uniform Crime Report Offense Data

May 02, 2021

This post focuses on exploring the 2019 crime report profiles of Florida’s counties. The goal is to visualizing the similarities and differences in the overall crime report profiles between counties.

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Regression Analysis of Forced Expiratory Volume

Mar 13, 2021

The data used for this analysis was obtained from the Journal of Statistical Education Data Archive. It consists of a sample of 654 subjects, male and female, aged 3 to 19 years old from the area of East Boston during the late 1970s. This analysis attempts to determine the relationship between forced expiratory volume (FEV) and smoking status via linear regression.

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Data Wrangling Ep 1: Parsing Data From A PDF

Mar 05, 2021

This post will be the first in a series of posts demonstrating how I approach data wrangling problems. As an analyst in a clinical research setting I spend a great majority of my time cleaning and transforming data for analysis and thought it’d be a good idea to start documenting my approach to various types of data.

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From SQL to Python: Data Science 101

Jan 03, 2021

As part of the final project for my Data Science For Clinical Research class in graduate school I needed to create a machine learning model capable of detecting asthmatic subjects. The purpose of this project was not to create a production ready model using state-of-the art machine learning algorithms but to understand the fundamentals of data science.

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