From SQL to Python: Data Science 101

As part of the final project for my Data Science For Clinical Research class in graduate school I needed to create a machine learning model capable of detecting asthmatic subjects. The purpose of this project was not to create a production ready model using state-of-the art machine learning algorithms but to understand the fundamentals of data science. These fundamentals are broken down into three main parts:

The class instructor gave us the option to complete this project with the programming language of our choice. The only requirements were to do a class presentation describing the steps taken, submit a document containing all code and output and to use at least two machine learning algorithms. This post represents both the presentation and document submission requirements of the project. I decided to use R for the data extraction and transformation steps due to the numerous R packages that make connecting to databases or transforming data extremely easy. For the machine learning portion I was a bit conflicted between tidymodels in R and scikit-learn in Python. Ultimately, I decided to go with Python as one of the main reasons for taking this class was to improve my Python skills. Enjoy!

Create OHDSI Database

Let’s begin by creating the ohdsi database from the MySQL data dump. The class instructor provided us with the 900 MB MySQL data dump and I’ve upload it to google drive for anyone that would like to experiment with the data or recreate this analysis. I have MySQL set up locally and have executed the following commands from the command line to create the database.

mysql -u root

create database ohdsi;

use ohdsi;

# import the database
source ./data/ohdsi_sample.sql;

# confirm that tables were created
show tables;

Data Extraction & Transformation

Load Libraries and Connect to Database


# connect to database
con <- dbConnect(MariaDB(),
                 dbname = 'ohdsi',
                 host = 'localhost',
                 user = Sys.getenv('DB_USER'),
                 password = Sys.getenv('DB_PASSWORD'))
dbListTables(con, "ohdsi")
##  [1] "concept"               "condition_era"         "condition_occurrence" 
##  [4] "drug_era"              "drug_exposure"         "location"             
##  [7] "measurement"           "observation"           "observation_period"   
## [10] "payer_plan_period"     "person"                "procedure_occurrence" 
## [13] "provider"              "relationship"          "source_to_concept_map"
## [16] "specimen"              "visit_occurrence"      "vocabulary"

There are multiple clinical data tables available but for this project only the following will be used:

  1. concept
  2. condition_era
  3. condition_occurrence
  4. drug_era
  5. measurement
  6. person

The data dictionary for each table can be found here.

Identify Cases and Controls

As the goal is to create a model that can predict whether or not a subject has asthma the first step will be to identify subjects as cases (asthma present) or controls (asthma not present). The condition_occurrence table will be queried to return all the conditions for each subject. The concept table will also be joined to the condition_occurrence table to get a descriptive name for each condition. If a subject has at least one condition that matches the string asthma the subject will be tagged as a case otherwise the subject will be a control.

sql <- "
  lower(concept_name) as concept_name,
    when lower(concept_name) like '%asthma%' then 'case'
    else 'control'
  end as status
  -- join to replace id with names
  left join concept on condition_concept_id = concept_id
order by
  person_id, status, condition_start_date

condition_occurence <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

kable(head(condition_occurence, 20), caption = "Table 1") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 1
person_id concept_name condition_start_date status
1 backache 2009-07-25 control
1 low back pain 2009-07-25 control
1 menopausal syndrome 2009-07-25 control
1 thoracic radiculitis 2009-07-25 control
1 hypocalcemia 2009-10-14 control
1 postoperative pain 2009-10-14 control
1 osteoporosis 2010-03-12 control
1 congestive heart failure 2010-03-12 control
1 antiallergenic drug adverse reaction 2010-03-12 control
1 pure hypercholesterolemia 2010-03-12 control
1 retention of urine 2010-03-12 control
1 bipolar disorder 2010-04-01 control
1 bipolar i disorder, single manic episode, in full remission 2010-04-01 control
1 neck sprain 2010-08-17 control
1 subchronic catatonic schizophrenia 2010-11-05 control
1 schizophrenia 2010-11-05 control
2 asthma 2008-12-09 case
2 closed fracture of phalanx of foot 2008-10-04 control
2 closed fracture of phalanx of foot 2008-10-04 control
2 mononeuropathy of lower limb 2008-10-04 control

Notice the order by clause in the SQL query. This was necessary as a subject can have multiple diagnoses which can lead to the subject being tagged as both a case and a control. Subject #2 is evidence of this as shown in Table 1. Thus, if a subject has at least one asthma diagnosis we’d like to keep the initial occurrence of the asthma diagnosis. If a subject does not have an asthma diagnosis we’d like to keep the first diagnosis for that subject.

person_status <- condition_occurence %>%
  distinct(person_id, .keep_all = TRUE)

kable(head(person_status), caption = "Table 2") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 2
person_id concept_name condition_start_date status
1 backache 2009-07-25 control
2 asthma 2008-12-09 case
3 constipation 2009-10-11 control
4 spinal stenosis 2009-09-20 control
5 osteochondropathy 2008-06-01 control
6 after-cataract with vision obscured 2009-09-01 control


Query the person table to get gender, race and year_of_birth. An additional variable named age_at_diagnosis will also be created based on the difference in condition_start_date and year_of_birth.

sql <- "
  c1.concept_name as gender,
  c2.concept_name as race,
  left join concept c1 on gender_concept_id = c1.concept_id
  left join concept c2 on race_concept_id = c2.concept_id
person <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

demographics <- person %>%
  left_join(person_status %>%
              select(person_id, condition_start_date),
            by = "person_id") %>%
  mutate(age_at_diagnosis = year(condition_start_date) - year_of_birth) %>%
  select(-c(year_of_birth, condition_start_date))

kable(head(demographics), caption = "Table 3") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 3
person_id gender race age_at_diagnosis
1 MALE White 86
2 MALE White 65
3 FEMALE White 73
4 MALE No matching concept 68
5 MALE White 72
6 MALE Black or African American 66


Query the drug_era table to return all drugs that a subject has taken.

sql <- "
  lower(concept_name) as drug,
  left join concept on drug_concept_id = concept_id

drug_era <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

kable(head(drug_era), caption = "Table 4") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 4
person_id drug drug_era_start_date
1 cytomegalovirus immune globulin 2010-04-17
1 thioridazine 2008-08-21
1 thiothixene 2009-03-19
1 trazodone 2009-04-09
1 methocarbamol 2010-05-20
1 methylphenidate 2009-02-16

Based on Table 4 let’s filter to all drugs taken within two years after the first diagnosis and then keep only the top 10 drugs for cases and the top 10 drugs for controls

top_drugs_by_person_status <- person_status %>%
  select(person_id, status, condition_start_date) %>%
  left_join(drug_era, by = "person_id") %>%
  # get time between the date a drug was started and the date a diagnosis was provided
  mutate(days_passed = difftime(
    drug_era_start_date, condition_start_date, units = "days")) %>%
  # filter to all drugs taken within two years after condition_start_date
  filter(between(days_passed, 0, 365*2)) %>%
  count(status, drug) %>%
  group_by(status) %>%
  # get the top 10 drugs by person status
  top_n(10, wt = n) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  distinct(drug) %>%

kable(top_drugs_by_person_status, caption = "Table 5") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 5

Finally, let’s create a data frame where each row represents a subject and the columns are the drugs shown in Table 5. The columns are binary where 1 specifies that the subject has taken that drug within two years of the diagnosis and 0 specifies the opposite.

drugs_taken <- drug_era %>%
  inner_join(top_drugs_by_person_status, by = "drug") %>%
  # tag the subject as being on drug
  mutate(on_drug = 1) %>%
  # ensure that person drug combination is unique
  distinct(person_id, drug, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  # convert from long to wide data frame
    names_from = drug,
    values_from = on_drug,
    # tag subject as not on drug
    values_fill = 0,
    names_sort = TRUE

kable(head(drugs_taken), caption = "Table 6") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 6
person_id acetaminophen dipyridamole hydrochlorothiazide hydrocodone levothyroxine lisinopril lovastatin metformin oxygen propranolol simvastatin
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
6 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0


Query the condition_era table to return all diagnoses for a subject. Additionally, all instances of asthma will be removed from condition_era as there should not be any reference to an asthma diagnosis within the data used in the machine learning process.

sql <- "
  lower(concept_name) as diagnosis,
  left join concept on condition_concept_id = concept_id
 concept_name not like '%asthma%'

condition_era <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

kable(head(condition_era), caption = "Table 7") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 7
person_id diagnosis condition_era_start_date
1 neck sprain 2010-08-17
1 osteoporosis 2010-03-12
1 backache 2009-07-25
1 retention of urine 2010-03-12
1 low back pain 2009-07-25
1 congestive heart failure 2010-03-12

To identify other conditions people with asthma may experience I’ve chosen a list of conditions based on online research. This list is not exhaustive and may not be 100% correct. I have absolutely zero domain knowledge in clinical research but, with Google as my sidekick, I was able to determine clinically relevant conditions that may be useful for predicting asthma status:

dxs <- c(
  "atrial fibrillation",
  "chest pain",
  "conduction disorder",
  "congestive heart failure",
  "coronary arteriosclerosis",
  "gastroesophageal reflux disease",
  "malaise and fatigue"

common_dxs_with_asthma <- person_status %>%
  select(person_id, condition_start_date, status) %>%
  left_join(condition_era, by = "person_id") %>%
  mutate(days_passed = difftime(condition_era_start_date, condition_start_date, units = "days")) %>%
    days_passed > 0 &
      str_detect(diagnosis, paste0("^(", paste(dxs, collapse="|"), ")"))
  ) %>%
    clean_diagnosis_name = case_when(
      str_detect(diagnosis, "coronary arteriosclerosis") ~ "coronary arteriosclerosis",
      TRUE ~ diagnosis
  ) %>%
  distinct(diagnosis, clean_diagnosis_name)

diagnoses <- condition_era %>%
  inner_join(common_dxs_with_asthma, by = "diagnosis") %>%
  distinct(person_id, clean_diagnosis_name) %>%
  mutate(dx_present = 1) %>%
    names_from = clean_diagnosis_name,
    values_from = dx_present,
    values_fill = 0,
    names_sort = TRUE
  ) %>%

kable(head(diagnoses), caption = "Table 8") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 8
person_id atrial_fibrillation chest_pain conduction_disorder_of_the_heart congestive_heart_failure coronary_arteriosclerosis gastroesophageal_reflux_disease malaise_and_fatigue
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
6 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
7 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

Lab Tests

The lab tests data frame was constructed in the same way as the diagnoses data frame. The main difference is that the measurement table was queried instead of the condition_era table. One downside of the measurement table is that it did not contain the actual values for the lab tests. It only contained the name of the lab tests taken by a subject. The three specific tests that were filtered for are electrocardiogram, iron binding capacity and thyroid stimulating hormone.

sql <- "
  lower(concept_name) as measurement_name,
  left join concept on measurement_concept_id = concept_id

measurement <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

# disconnet from DB

common_tests_for_asthma <- person_status %>%
  select(person_id, condition_start_date, status) %>%
  left_join(measurement, by = "person_id") %>%
  mutate(days_passed = difftime(measurement_date, condition_start_date, units = "days")) %>%
    days_passed > 0 &
        "^(iron binding capacity|electrocardiogram|thyroid stimulating hormone)"
  ) %>%
    clean_measurement_name = case_when(
      str_detect(measurement_name, "electrocardiogram") ~ "electrocardiogram",
      str_detect(measurement_name, "iron binding capacity") ~ "iron binding capacity",
      TRUE ~ "thyroid stimulating hormone"
  ) %>%
  distinct(measurement_name, clean_measurement_name)

lab_tests <- measurement %>%
  inner_join(common_tests_for_asthma, by = "measurement_name") %>%
  distinct(person_id, clean_measurement_name) %>%
  mutate(measurement_taken = 1) %>%
    names_from = clean_measurement_name,
    values_from = measurement_taken,
    values_fill = 0,
    names_sort = TRUE
  ) %>%

kable(head(lab_tests), caption = "Table 9") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 9
person_id electrocardiogram iron_binding_capacity thyroid_stimulating_hormone
2 1 0 1
5 1 0 0
6 1 0 0
7 1 1 1
8 1 1 1
11 1 0 1

Create Final dataset

The person_status data frame created in in Identify Cases and Controls section is the master data frame. The demographics, drugs_taken, diagnosis and lab_tests data frames will be left joined to the master data frame using person_id as the primary key. If a subject did not appear in the drugs_taken, diagnosis, or lab_tests data frames it means that the subject did not have any of these selected values. Thus, these NA values will be replaced with 0.

asthma_prediction_data <- list(person_status, demographics,
                          drugs_taken, diagnoses, lab_tests) %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = "person_id") %>%
  # remove unknown race
  filter(race != "No matching concept") %>%
  # if subject has no drugs, diagnosis or labs data replace NA with 0
  mutate_if(is.numeric, replace_na, 0) %>%
  select(-c(person_id, concept_name, condition_start_date))

kable(head(asthma_prediction_data), caption = "Table 10") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 10
status gender race age_at_diagnosis acetaminophen dipyridamole hydrochlorothiazide hydrocodone levothyroxine lisinopril lovastatin metformin oxygen propranolol simvastatin atrial_fibrillation chest_pain conduction_disorder_of_the_heart congestive_heart_failure coronary_arteriosclerosis gastroesophageal_reflux_disease malaise_and_fatigue electrocardiogram iron_binding_capacity thyroid_stimulating_hormone
control MALE White 86 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
case MALE White 65 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
control FEMALE White 73 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
control MALE White 72 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
control MALE Black or African American 66 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
control MALE White 86 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Summary Statistics

The summary statistics table provides an overall summary of the data. It shows that there are 877 subjects of which 301 are cases and 576 are controls. Thus, the data is class imbalanced.

asthma_prediction_data %>%
  tbl_summary(by = status) %>%
  add_overall(last = TRUE)
Characteristic case, N = 3011 control, N = 5761 Overall, N = 8771
FEMALE 166 (55%) 311 (54%) 477 (54%)
MALE 135 (45%) 265 (46%) 400 (46%)
Black or African American 34 (11%) 55 (9.5%) 89 (10%)
White 267 (89%) 521 (90%) 788 (90%)
age_at_diagnosis 74 (68, 82) 73 (67, 79) 73 (67, 80)
acetaminophen 165 (55%) 312 (54%) 477 (54%)
dipyridamole 100 (33%) 142 (25%) 242 (28%)
hydrochlorothiazide 162 (54%) 287 (50%) 449 (51%)
hydrocodone 105 (35%) 218 (38%) 323 (37%)
levothyroxine 149 (50%) 267 (46%) 416 (47%)
lisinopril 132 (44%) 240 (42%) 372 (42%)
lovastatin 121 (40%) 235 (41%) 356 (41%)
metformin 114 (38%) 171 (30%) 285 (32%)
oxygen 130 (43%) 224 (39%) 354 (40%)
propranolol 123 (41%) 203 (35%) 326 (37%)
simvastatin 139 (46%) 253 (44%) 392 (45%)
atrial_fibrillation 238 (79%) 307 (53%) 545 (62%)
chest_pain 229 (76%) 292 (51%) 521 (59%)
conduction_disorder_of_the_heart 167 (55%) 175 (30%) 342 (39%)
congestive_heart_failure 214 (71%) 253 (44%) 467 (53%)
coronary_arteriosclerosis 259 (86%) 327 (57%) 586 (67%)
gastroesophageal_reflux_disease 210 (70%) 225 (39%) 435 (50%)
malaise_and_fatigue 240 (80%) 285 (49%) 525 (60%)
electrocardiogram 275 (91%) 365 (63%) 640 (73%)
iron_binding_capacity 63 (21%) 72 (12%) 135 (15%)
thyroid_stimulating_hormone 230 (76%) 285 (49%) 515 (59%)

1 n (%); Median (IQR)

Create Train-Test Splits

An 80-20 train-test split was performed. The split was stratified by status to achieve an equal proportion of classes in each split. Additionally, gender and race were one hot encoded while age was normalized to be between the range of 0 and 1. This normalization ensures that all variables are in the same range.


# do stratified split on status as data is imbalanced
data_split <- initial_split(asthma_prediction_data,
                            strata = status, prop = 0.8)
train_set_split <- training(data_split)
test_set_split <- testing(data_split)

model_recipe <- recipe(status ~ ., train_set_split) %>%
  step_dummy(c(gender,race)) %>%
  step_range(age_at_diagnosis) %>%

train_set <- bake(model_recipe, train_set_split)

train_features <- train_set %>% select(-status)

train_target <- train_set %>%
  select(status) %>%
  mutate(status = if_else(status == "case", 1, 0))

test_set <- bake(model_recipe, test_set_split)

test_features <- test_set %>% select(-status)

test_target <- test_set %>%
  select(status) %>%
  mutate(status = if_else(status == "case", 1, 0))

Machine learning

Import Python Libraries

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC, LinearSVC
from sklearn import model_selection, metrics
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
from sklearn.metrics import plot_confusion_matrix
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

Load Train Data

# access train_features and train_targets created by r
train_features = r.train_features
train_target = r.train_target
## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
## RangeIndex: 702 entries, 0 to 701
## Data columns (total 24 columns):
##  #   Column                            Non-Null Count  Dtype  
## ---  ------                            --------------  -----  
##  0   age_at_diagnosis                  702 non-null    float64
##  1   acetaminophen                     702 non-null    float64
##  2   dipyridamole                      702 non-null    float64
##  3   hydrochlorothiazide               702 non-null    float64
##  4   hydrocodone                       702 non-null    float64
##  5   levothyroxine                     702 non-null    float64
##  6   lisinopril                        702 non-null    float64
##  7   lovastatin                        702 non-null    float64
##  8   metformin                         702 non-null    float64
##  9   oxygen                            702 non-null    float64
##  10  propranolol                       702 non-null    float64
##  11  simvastatin                       702 non-null    float64
##  12  atrial_fibrillation               702 non-null    float64
##  13  chest_pain                        702 non-null    float64
##  14  conduction_disorder_of_the_heart  702 non-null    float64
##  15  congestive_heart_failure          702 non-null    float64
##  16  coronary_arteriosclerosis         702 non-null    float64
##  17  gastroesophageal_reflux_disease   702 non-null    float64
##  18  malaise_and_fatigue               702 non-null    float64
##  19  electrocardiogram                 702 non-null    float64
##  20  iron_binding_capacity             702 non-null    float64
##  21  thyroid_stimulating_hormone       702 non-null    float64
##  22  gender_MALE                       702 non-null    float64
##  23  race_White                        702 non-null    float64
## dtypes: float64(24)
## memory usage: 131.8 KB

Resampling Strategies

Cross Validation

Stratified five-fold cross validation was applied to the training set to simulate model performance on unseen data. The training data was split into five subsets of approximately equal sizes. Four subsets were combined together and used to train the model. The fifth subset, sometimes called the hold-out or assessment set, was then used to evaluate the model’s performance on unseen data. It’s important to note that each data point will appear in exactly one fold as the sampling was performed without replacement. This process was then repeated four more times with different subsets reserved for training and evaluation each time. This resulted in five sets of performance metrics which were created from the five different assessment sets used for model evaluation. The performance metrics used were F1, precision and recall. The average for each of these performance metrics was then calculated to estimate the model’s ability to generalize to unseen data

kfold = model_selection.StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5)

performance_metrics = ['f1', 'precision', 'recall']

assessment_performance_metrics = ['test_' + x for x in performance_metrics]

Based on the summary statistics we see that the ratio of cases to controls is almost 1:2. This imbalance can make it difficult for models to learn to distinguish between the majority and minority classes. It will especially be problematic for our purposes as the event of interest is the minority class (cases). Randomly oversampling the data is one way to overcome the challenges of class imbalance. The minority class was oversampled to contain 80% of the number of observations that the majority class contained.

oversample_strategy = RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy=0.80, random_state=42)

It is vital that oversampling only occur on the training data as the test data should reflect what one would expect in reality. Additionally, oversampling should occur inside cross validation to prevent overly optimistic performance metrics as a result of oversampling being performed on the assessment set. To facilitate this the function get_model_metrics was created. This function makes it convenient to test multiple models and ensures that oversampling is not performed on the assessment set within cross validation.

def get_model_metrics(model_to_use, model_name, oversample):

  if oversample == 'Yes':
      model = Pipeline([('oversample', oversample_strategy),
                        ('model',  model_to_use)])
      model = model_to_use

  cv_results = model_selection.cross_validate(

  df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Algorithm', 'Over Sampling', 'Metric', 'Value'])

  for metric in assessment_performance_metrics:
      score_value = cv_results[metric].mean().round(2)
      df = df.append({'Algorithm': model_name,
                      'Over Sampling': oversample,
                      'Metric': metric,
                      'Value': score_value},


Model Performance Evaluation

Table 11 compares the average of the evaluation metrics on the assessment folds from cross-validation for multiple models. The three performance metrics used are precision, recall and F1. Precision represents the proportion of positive identifications that were actually correct. Recall measures the proportion of true positives that were correctly identified and F1 is the weighted average of precision and recall.

Based on Table 11 the linear support vector classifier trained on the oversampled data had the highest recall. This model also had the lowest precision as improving recall tends to decrease precision and vice versa. For our purposes this is not an issue as a high recall is more important than a high precision since the goal is to correctly identify actual cases.

The precision score of 0.47 means that when the model classifies a subject as a case it is correct 47% of the time. Alternately, it is incorrectly classifying a subject as a case 53% of the time.

The recall score of 0.83 means that of all the subjects who were actual cases the model correctly identified 83% of these subjects as cases.

In real world clinical settings the metric to optimize for is often determined by subject matter experts. They can determine if precision and recall are equally important or if more emphasis should be placed on either one. In instances where both precision and recall are equally important the F1 score can be used as it’s indicative of both a good precision and good recall.

logistic_reg = get_model_metrics(
    "Logistic Regression",

oversample_logistic_reg = get_model_metrics(
    "Logistic Regression",

svm_model = get_model_metrics(
    "SVC (RBF)",

oversample_svm_model = get_model_metrics(
    "SVC (RBF)",

linear_svc = get_model_metrics(
    "SVC (Linear)",

oversample_linear_svc = get_model_metrics(
    "SVC (Linear)",

compare_models = (
  pd.concat([logistic_reg, oversample_logistic_reg,
             svm_model, oversample_svm_model,
             linear_svc, oversample_linear_svc
 .pivot(index=['Algorithm','Over Sampling'], columns='Metric', values='Value')
model_performance <- py$compare_models %>%
  rename_all(., ~ str_replace_all(., "test_", "")) %>%

kable(model_performance, caption = "Table 11") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 11
Algorithm Over Sampling f1 precision recall
SVC (Linear) Yes 0.61 0.55 0.68
Logistic Regression Yes 0.61 0.55 0.67
SVC (RBF) Yes 0.59 0.56 0.63
SVC (RBF) No 0.56 0.61 0.52
Logistic Regression No 0.53 0.58 0.49
SVC (Linear) No 0.53 0.57 0.49

Tune Model Parameters

Table 11 shows that the linear SVC model on the oversampled data had the highest recall. Let’s try hyperparameter tuning to determine if performance can be improved

grid = {'clf__loss': ['hinge', 'squared_hinge'],
        'clf__C': [0.5, 0.1, 0.005, 0.001]}

pipeline = Pipeline([('sampling', oversample_strategy),
                     ('clf', LinearSVC(random_state=42, max_iter = 20000))])

grid_cv = GridSearchCV(pipeline, grid, scoring='recall', cv=kfold), np.ravel(train_target))
## GridSearchCV(cv=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=None, shuffle=False),
##              estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('sampling',
##                                         RandomOverSampler(random_state=42,
##                                                           sampling_strategy=0.8)),
##                                        ('clf',
##                                         LinearSVC(max_iter=20000,
##                                                   random_state=42))]),
##              param_grid={'clf__C': [0.5, 0.1, 0.005, 0.001],
##                          'clf__loss': ['hinge', 'squared_hinge']},
##              scoring='recall')

Print the best hyperparamaters

## {'clf__C': 0.005, 'clf__loss': 'hinge'}

Fit the tuned model on the oversampled data

tuned_oversample_svc_model = (
      LinearSVC(C = 0.005, loss='hinge', random_state=42),
      "Tuned SVC (Linear)",
  .pivot(index=['Algorithm','Over Sampling'], columns='Metric', values='Value')
model_performance <- model_performance %>%
  bind_rows(py$tuned_oversample_svc_model %>%
               rename_all(., ~ str_replace_all(., "test_", ""))) %>%

kable(model_performance, caption = "Table 12") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 12
Algorithm Over Sampling f1 precision recall
Tuned SVC (Linear) Yes 0.60 0.47 0.83
SVC (Linear) Yes 0.61 0.55 0.68
Logistic Regression Yes 0.61 0.55 0.67
SVC (RBF) Yes 0.59 0.56 0.63
SVC (RBF) No 0.56 0.61 0.52
Logistic Regression No 0.53 0.58 0.49
SVC (Linear) No 0.53 0.57 0.49

The tuned linear SVC model on the oversampled data has the highest recall. This model should produce similar performance metrics when applied to the test set. If the performance is significantly worse it’s a sign that the model was overfitted during training.

Make Predictions on the Test Data

The tuned Linear SVC will be trained on the full oversampled train data and then be used to generate predictions on the test data.

# load the test data
test_features = r.test_features
test_target = r.test_target

# specify the best model
best_model = LinearSVC(C=0.005, loss='hinge', penalty='l2', random_state=42)

# oversample the train data
train_oversample_features, train_oversample_target = oversample_strategy.fit_resample(
    train_features, train_target)

# Train the model on the oversampled train data
model_fit_on_train =, np.ravel(train_oversample_target))

# Make predictions on the test data
y_pred_class = model_fit_on_train.predict(test_features)

test_metrics = pd.DataFrame({"Algorithm": ["Linear SVC"],
                  "F1": [metrics.f1_score(test_target, y_pred_class).round(2)],
                  "Precision": [metrics.precision_score(test_target, y_pred_class).round(2)],
                  "Recall": [metrics.recall_score(test_target, y_pred_class).round(2)]})

The model performance on the test set is very similar to the performance shown during cross validation. Thus, the model was not overfitted or underfitted during training. 87% of cases were correctly predicted while 44% of subjects were correctly classified.

kable(py$test_metrics, caption = "Table 13") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Table 13
Algorithm F1 Precision Recall
Linear SVC 0.58 0.44 0.87
plot_confusion_matrix(model_fit_on_train, test_features,test_target,
## <sklearn.metrics._plot.confusion_matrix.ConfusionMatrixDisplay object at 0x7fd6a39b8b38>