Query Challenge #2

The option_transactions table shows options trades executed on the thinkorswim trading platform. Query the table to calculate the profit/loss made on each trade.

order_id option_quote
1339553203 TOSWeb BOT +1 RBLX 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 85 CALL @.82
1339551295 TOSWeb BOT +1 RBLX 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 85 CALL @1.00
1339551281 TOSWeb SOLD -2 RBLX 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 85 CALL @2.10
1339551278 TOSWeb BOT +1 TSLA 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 750 CALL @5.50
1339551271 TOSWeb SOLD -1 TSLA 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 750 CALL @7.50
1339551264 TOSWeb BOT +5 QS 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 24 PUT @.50
1339551235 TOSWeb SOLD -5 QS 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 24 PUT @.25
1339551224 TOSWeb BOT +2 AAPL 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 150 CALL @2.00
1339551219 TOSWeb SOLD -1 AAPL 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 150 CALL @2.40
1339139768 TOSWeb SOLD -1 AAPL 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 150 CALL @2.60

The anatomy of an options quote can be found here while this video provides additional information on how to read an options quote.

Before getting into the query let’s explain TOSWeb BOT +1 RBLX 100 (Weeklys) 13 AUG 21 85 CALL @.82 to ensure that it’s understandable:

  1. TOSWeb - The thinkorsiwm platform. This can be ignored
  2. BOT - The type of transaction. Can be either “BOT” (contract was bought) or “SOLD” (contract was sold)
  3. +1 - The number of contracts bought or sold
  4. RBLX - The underlying stock symbol
  5. 100 (Weeklys) - Can be ignored as it does not provide any needed information
  6. 13 AUG 21 - The date that the contract expires
  7. 85 - The strike price of the stock
  8. CALL - The type of option. Can be either “CALL” or “PUT”
  9. @.82 - The per contract cost of the option

The first two rows in the option_transactions table shows that 2 RBLX calls with a strike price of $85 and an expiration of 08/13 were bought for a total price of $1.82. The third row shows that both contracts were sold for a price of $2.10 per contract. Thus, the total profit made on this trade was $2.38


with clean_options as (
    sum(num_contracts * price) as total_price,
  from (
        trim(regexp_extract(option_quote, r"(.*? ){2}")) as transaction_type,
        cast(regexp_extract(option_quote, r"\d+") as numeric) as num_contracts,
        regexp_extract(option_quote, r"(.*? ){4}") as stock,
        regexp_extract(option_quote, r"\(Weeklys\)?(.*)@") as contract,
        cast(regexp_extract(option_quote, r"\@(.*)$") as numeric) as price
    from option_transactions)
  group by 

buy_to_open as (
        total_price as buy_price
    from clean_options
    where transaction_type = 'BOT'

sell_to_close as (
        total_price as sell_price
    from clean_options
    where transaction_type = 'SOLD'

    (sell_to_close.sell_price - buy_to_open.buy_price) as profit_loss
  inner join sell_to_close on 
    buy_to_open.stock = sell_to_close.stock and
    buy_to_open.contract = sell_to_close.contract
order by profit_loss desc
stock contract buy_price sell_price profit_loss
RBLX 13 AUG 21 85 CALL 1.82 4.20 2.38
TSLA 13 AUG 21 750 CALL 5.50 7.50 2.00
AAPL 13 AUG 21 150 CALL 4.00 5.00 1.00
QS 13 AUG 21 24 PUT 2.50 1.25 -1.25


clean_options <- option_transactions %>%
    transaction_type = word(option_quote, 2),
    num_contracts = abs(parse_number((word(option_quote, 3)))),
    stock = word(option_quote, 4),
    contract = word(option_quote, 7, 11),
    price = parse_number(word(option_quote, -1)),
    total_price = num_contracts * price
  ) %>% 
  group_by(stock, transaction_type, contract) %>% 
  summarise(total_price = sum(total_price)) %>% 

buy_to_open = clean_options %>% 
  filter(transaction_type == 'BOT') %>% 
  select(stock, contract, buy_price = total_price)

sell_to_close = clean_options %>% 
  filter(transaction_type == 'SOLD') %>% 
  select(stock, contract, sell_price = total_price)

profit_loss <- buy_to_open %>% 
  inner_join(sell_to_close, by = c("stock", "contract")) %>% 
  mutate(profit_loss = sell_price - buy_price) %>% 
stock contract buy_price sell_price profit_loss
RBLX 13 AUG 21 85 CALL 1.82 4.20 2.38
TSLA 13 AUG 21 750 CALL 5.50 7.50 2.00
AAPL 13 AUG 21 150 CALL 4.00 5.00 1.00
QS 13 AUG 21 24 PUT 2.50 1.25 -1.25


option_transactions = r.option_transactions

clean_options = (
    option_quote = lambda x: x["option_quote"].str.split(" "),
    transaction_type = lambda x: x["option_quote"].str[1],
    num_contracts = lambda x: x["option_quote"].str[2].apply(int).abs(),
    stock = lambda x: x["option_quote"].str[3],
    contract = lambda x: x["option_quote"].str[6:10].str.join(" "),
    price = lambda x: x["option_quote"].str[-1].str.replace("@", "").apply(float),
    total_price = lambda x: x["num_contracts"] * x["price"]

buy_to_open = (
  clean_options[clean_options['transaction_type'] == 'BOT']
  [['stock', 'contract', 'total_price']]
  .rename({"total_price": "buy_price"}, axis='columns')
sell_to_close = (
  clean_options[clean_options['transaction_type'] == 'SOLD']
  [['stock', 'contract', 'total_price']]
  .rename({"total_price": "sell_price"}, axis = 'columns')

profit_loss = (
  .merge(sell_to_close, how='inner', left_on=['stock', 'contract'], right_on=['stock', 'contract'])
  .assign(profit_loss = lambda x: x["sell_price"] - x["buy_price"])
  .sort_values(by='profit_loss', ascending=False)
stock contract buy_price sell_price profit_loss
2 RBLX 13 AUG 21 85 1.82 4.20 2.38
3 TSLA 13 AUG 21 750 5.50 7.50 2.00
0 AAPL 13 AUG 21 150 4.00 5.00 1.00
1 QS 13 AUG 21 24 2.50 1.25 -1.25